Selamat Sejahtera
d arrival of
Anas Mizan Basrie
Anas Mizan Basrie
d Scene:
Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC)
Kuala Lumpur
d Day / Date / Time:
Tuesday, June 21 2016
(16 Ramadan 1437H), 4:32 pm.
d Happening:
A baby boy
Anas Mizan Basrie (AMB III)
was born.
The Labour Room
Several hours early in the morning of 21 June 2016. All of us members of the AMB family were very anxious in waiting . . . while Anum went into the delivery room.
In the afternoon . . . came the results of all the waiting. A very fruitful one. Alhamdulillah.
The Baby
Anas Mizan Basrie bin Royhai'zam
Anas Mizan Basrie
Anas Mizan Basrie
Anas Mizan Basrie
Anas Mizan Basrie
The Episode
Anas, as he is going to be known from now on within AMB's family circle (or at least to me), was born to parents Royhai'zam bin Basri and Mazlyna Hanum bt Abdul Majid.
Mazlyna Hanum bt Abdul Majid
d Handing Over
Mazlyna Hanum
Anas Mizan Basrie
Anas Mizan Basrie
Royhai'zam (handling Anas)
Mazlyna Hanum
Mazlyna Hanum
Anas Mizan Basrie
The baby is the couple's third son in an all boys clan. Anas is yours sincerely's tenth grand child and fifth grandson.
Anas was born a healthy baby weighing 3.71 kg. He has two elder brothers in Azim Muqry Basrie and Aish Maliq Basrie.
d Basries Siblings
an All-Boys Clan
Joy to the whole family
Members of d AMB's family came - a - visiting on receiving the pleasant news that Anum had safely delivered at 4:32 pm. Some came sooner than others!
Alhamdulillah to d Almighty Allah swt for granting Anum a comparatively smooth and easy passage of delivery this instant.
d Atmosphere
d Excitement
Medical Assistance
AMB's family appreciates the services rendered by the nurses / doctors / physicians and staff particularly that of Obstetrician Dr Seri Suniza and Paediatrician Dr Choy.
For the records, Dr Seri Suniza had (sort of) been AMB's family Obstetrician for quite a while now.
Her AMB's family patients being yours sincerely eldest daughter Alyn at the onset ... followed by daughters-in-law Shafini and Liza ... and now daughter Anum. Thank you Dr Seri.
Her AMB's family patients being yours sincerely eldest daughter Alyn at the onset ... followed by daughters-in-law Shafini and Liza ... and now daughter Anum. Thank you Dr Seri.
Thanks again to every member of the medical team for the assistance and support provided
. . . and, to Anas Mizan Basrie we say:
" You're very welcome to d AMB's fold. Your presence will definitely brings with it lots of great expectations and hopes to everyone of us. Just you rise to d occasion, sonny! "