Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nothing Political

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Assalamualaikum and salam 1 Malaysia

Dare to Try?

Being no politician (not even half-cooked for that matter!)I've been refraining myself from touching on 'serious' political issues for fear of possible impending repercussions. But, after being served again and again with numerous political rifts (or 'gimmicks' of sorts) by many political persons (perhaps opportunists eager to test their popularity to find space for themselves in the present Malaysian political scene) I feel it is time to act otherwise. I am tired of the supposedly educated and matured people representatives abusing each other by uttering untimely remarks and resorting to name-calling!

They also abuse parliamentary or state legislative assembly/council rules (and ethics?) by not abiding to the respective Speaker's directives. They create embarrassing situations (provocative to some extent at times) by employing words like "awak pendatang"(you're an immigrant) on certain ethnic groups, "awak penipu" (you're a liar) on certain other community factions, "awak sudah tiada keistimewaan" on some other communal groups, and so forth. Some even go further by babbling childish and slanderous talk.

Those in differing political 'outfits' will always be under attack by their political foes. Ironically, even those wearing similar political 'outfit' were not spared the harassment. They resort to 'in-fighting' within the same outfit ... Nothing seems capable of making them stop.

Well, dear politicians. Since most of you chose so much to be disrespectful towards each other and it looks like you will not cease 'to act very much below your maturity level' I shall now try to point out a remedial solution to stop these wasteful renderings.You simply carry on uttering the following lines (or words in sequence), again and again, and then all over again, and so on continuously, as soon as your foe/s attack or challenge you . The two special lines are :



When Politician A says: "What do you mean!"

Politician B says: "What do you mean , what do I mean!"

Politician A will say: "What do you mean, what do I mean, what do you mean!"

Politician B will say: "What do you mean, what do I mean, what do you mean,what do I mean!"

Politician A will then say: "What do you mean, what do I mean,what do you mean,what do I mean, what do you mean!"

Politician B will then say: "What do you mean, what do I mean, what do you mean, what do I mean, what do you mean, what do I mean!"

and so on and so forth ... and both (or more) politicians can go on rendering the lines on and on ... Adding ONE EXTRA LINE each time. Anyone who can outlast the next person ... will be the next PM. Wish you well.

Ps: It takes patience and clever understanding of the method for word slinging to win this game... Think hard!


Rb said...

basic requirements to be a good politician as suggested by Rb, 1st Level, Please be advised that to be a politician, u are required to act in accordance of its definition. Therefore u shall be able to give a definition when asked. your failure to give a proper definition is fatal and you ought to step out before being unnecessarily harassed by more complicated question. For those who are still interested, this is a proposed answer as defined by many. "the Politician is defined as one who is actively involved in politics or one who holds or seeks a political office" You might not get an A for the answer but it's suffice to move you to level 2. 2nd Level, Being a politician does not mean you are good politician. Therefore to be a good politician, again you are advised to act in accordance of its definition. I believe the definition of good politician varies depending on ideology. For example : for Party "Cap Penimbang", you are good politician if you are able to gain support from people or win an election. for Party "Cap Apollo 11 dan rakan-rakan", you are good politician if you are ready to make your objection/opinion loud and clear by all mean. for Party "Cap Bulan dan Bintang", you are good politician if you are not in Party "Cap Penimbang". For the time being, politicians under "Cap Apollo 11 dan rakan-rakan" are excused for reasons best known by Party "Cap Bulan dan Bintang" for fear of possible impending repercussions as mentioned by my Learned Father-In-law, I stand corrected and now wish to refer you straight to more logical definition without looking at the above example. From my so-called research from the internet, to be a good politician generally you must know how to build support for an idea, convince other people of its merits, accommodate others' points of view without undermining, has the ability to compromise, makes a prompt decision and looks after the welfare of the general public. To Malaysian politicians (not all), I wish that I can move you to the next level but unfortunately I hardly convinced that you are good politician as defined above. I totally agree my Learned Father-In-Law that it looks like most of you will not cease to act much below your maturity level. For those who are still interested becoming a good politician, there will be no discussion on Level 3 unless there is change of circumstances. Please accept my apology for any inconvenient caused. p/s my opinion is purposely drafted in this manner so that one of our politician will ask me to write about Level 3 therefore enabling him to outlast everybody in order to become our "PM". Royhai'zam Basri 3.49 pm 30/11/2009


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