Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Santai di d'SUARANG 4

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera

Orang Tanjung Dah Mai

Dialog lagi . . . bagi syok sikit . . . sebab Encik AII ni kadangkala suka juga berlakon. Dialog kali ini antara OA (Opah Alimah) dengan AII le. OA baru belajar dialek utara . . . . jadi macam-macam bunyi mungkin tercipta di ruang peti suara penuturnya. Fahami sajalah maksud kata berseni yang terkandung dalam rangkap berima mudah di bawah ini:

Buah langsat di tepi pagar,
Ada galah dijolok-jolok; Sudah adat jadi pelajar,
Bila salah diajuk-ajuk.

OA: Sapa pulak yang mai tu AII? Pi jenguk sat ... Macam kenai ja.

[AII menjenguk keluar dan datang balik menuju ke arah OA lalu berkata . . .]

AII: Entah sapa Opah . . . Tak perasan le . . . Tapi , tu ha ada tiga orang.

OA: Lelaki ke Perempuan?

AII: Satu laki . . . dua pompuan . . . sorang daripadanya budak.

OA: Oh . . . Itu Amer Yusoff dan isterinya Asni Awang. Budak perempuan itu anak mereka. Yasmeen namanya.

AII: Apa nama nak panggil ha Opah?

OA: Yang lelaki tu panggil Tok Mamu. Orang perempuan dewasa itu panggil saja Mama Ni. Budak perempuan itu panggil Mami Meen (?)

AII: OK le Opah. . . [ memandang kepada para pengunjung sambil berkata . . .]

AII: Jemputlah masuk Tok Mamu, Mama Ni dan Mami Meen (?)

[Wah siap dgn hadiah sekali ... ] [AII relaks nampak bersama Mama Ni & Mami Nash]

[Tok Mamu & Mami Meen (?)]

[Mama Ni dengan AII]

[Mama Ni dan Mami Meen rajin melayan dak Ahmad Iman Iskandar ni . . .]

[ Mami Nash sibuk memasang perangkap singa ke? ]

Thank You To All Visitors

Demikian secara ringkas kunjungan Amer Yusoff, Asni Awang dan Yasmeen Amer Yusoff sekeluarga ke d'SUARANG pada Sabtu 20 Februari 2010. Mereka datang dari Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. Kalau AII nak tahu mereka itu tidak lain tidak bukan keluarga Mami Nash le. Terima kasih kita ucapkan kepada mereka semua.

dsuarang. blogspot. com

"I'm Just A Month Old, Auntie Missy"

Assalamualaikum and Greetings

When AII Went A Checking

Yesterday, Tuesday 23 February 2010, Ahmad Iman Iskandar (
AII) was taken to Prince Court Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur for a check-up, routine for a newborn. AII was accompanied by Mum (Mazlyn Hanim), Granny (Alimah) and Aunt (Marlyana Haniz) to the Paediatrician Clinic. Atuk Majid waited at the Centre's lounge.

[Ahmad Iman Iskandar bin Mohd Rashidi
d 'actor']

[The Clinic]

[AII with Opah Alimah]

On arrival
AII was greeted by a middle-aged nurse (the Doctor's assistant). She immediately took charge of the prelims like weighing in AII, measuring AII's height and diameter of head and checking on AII's body temperature and so on and so forth.

[The equipment]

While at her task the nurse turned to Mazlyn and asked, "Coming for his three months check up yeah?"

AII's mother responded, "No Nurse. He is just a month and four days old today."

Nurse: Was he delivered prematurely?

Mazlyn: No, why?

Nurse: Well, his growth is reasonably fast . . . and that usually points to premature delivery.

[Doctor Anna at work]

[Doc Anna still at work. There's nothing AII can do about being 'worked' on.
Opah Alimah anxiously waiting for check-up results]

["At last everything's OK," said the Doc.
"Thank you Doc Anna," says Mazlyn]

now weighs 4.4 kilogram and measures 58.5 cm in height. Doctor Anna Padmavathy A/P Soosai, Specialist Paediatrician seemed satisfied with AII's health progress. This time around she easily coaxed AII into 'agreeing' with her to be jabbed for hepatitis B .

I was told, she very professionally coaxed him by saying, " Ok AII I cucuk you first. Then you can get back to your mum and play . . ."

[ "Ha, AII this is the real test," says Doc Anna. "I accept the challenge Doc," replied AII]

AII took it well in his stride and came back none the worse.

["No problem . . . I'm just play acting!"]

And, AII and the whole family appreciate all that has been done for him. Thank you Doctor Anna and all support staff. May God bless you and all.

[AII with Mum Mazlyn. "Oh I feel great now Mother" says that one month old fella!]