Thursday, January 28, 2010

Experience: The Best Teacher

Assalamualaikum and Greetings

U Love Me U Love Me Not

The sequel I promised.

The reaction I noticed . . .

A day before Ahmad Iman Iskandar was scheduled to be discharged, I popped a simple question to his parents Mazlyn and Rashidi. That was while I was having a simple conversation with both of them in room 6H at PCMC. The couple looked very pleased with the outcome of the whole episode of having been blessed with a handsome kid, AII. Yes, Mazlyn and Rashidi were very happy when their son was born safe and complete. Praise be to The Almighty.

Well back to the simple question that I put forth to the couple:

"How do both of you feel right now?"
"Happy" was their one word answer.
"Do you love AII?"
There was no clearly heard response but I noticed a strong nod of the heads. The couple were just lost for words. Yes, I noticed they really adored and love Ahmad Iman Iskandar, their newly born son.

They looked blankly at me. They must be wondering why I asked such questions. I let them think for a short while. When they still looked at me I guessed it was time for me to explain.

"Both of you have answered my questions right?" I said.
"Both of you said you are happy with AII's Arrival. Both of you definitely love him, OK?"
"Well, that was exactly the way your parents felt too when you arrived. And, similarly there is no question of them not loving you. Even if they just did not show any sign of it . . . Their actions and body language will tell . . . "
"Just like the nods of your heads!"

Mazlyn and Rashidi smiled and looked at each other.

And . . . I added a reminder, " All reasonable and responsible parents will feel the way you felt. Please keep that in mind."

We went on chatting on other topics after that. Sure enough . . . I noticed . . . Experience is the best teacher!

dsuarang. blogspot. com


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Home-coming

Assalamualaikum and Greetings


After several visits to PCMC in the excitement of welcoming Ahmad Iman Iskandar into our fold, all of us in the 'Family' were in with a mild shock on Sunday 24, 2010. We were told by the PCMC authorities that AII could not be discharged as scheduled then.

Opah Alimah and Atuk Majid were especially worried. Pak Teh E, Mak Chu Yana and Mami Nash? who were with us were equally uneasy. What's wrong now? We were filled with a feeling of such uneasiness as there was no one in room 06-6H at PCMC when we arrived that Sunday 24 (supposedly to fetch AII + Mazlyn + Rashidi + the luggage and all home.)

Earlier the front desk admin and medical staff did not mentioned anything when we walked in. They just nodded and motioned us to the room. So what's the problem? And, where's Mazlyn and Rashidi and of course where's that grandson of ours?

Our curiosity was answered about half an hour later when Mazlyn and Rashidi came into the room. The couple looked 'haggard'. I would say they appeared to be 'down trodden'. Rashidi then spoke up. He said that AII had to be quarantined for sometime at the Medical Centre's nursery. Mazlyn just looked lost. And when we asked them again for whatever was the reason . . . they replied, " Doktor kata AII ada sedikit kuning."

Knowing that was the case, I took it easy. I felt a little relaxed. Right, that was 'jaundice' ( a condition often caused by obstruction of the bile). This condition which is marked by some yellowness of the skin, fluids and tissues is quite a normal one for newborns. It will be over when the baby is exposed under some kind of ray treatment. And, usually it won't take that long. However the rest of the family members were clearly showing signs of frustration.

True enough after being placed under some kind of ray treatment AII was declared fit to go home the next day. It was on Monday 25, 2010. Everyone was glad. All's well that ends well.

Welcome home. Welcome to d'SUARANG Ahmad Iman Iskandar.

And, to readers out there do follow the next sequel to this blog. Coming soon . . . . .


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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dirgahayu Pendatang Baru

Assalamualaikum dan salam 1 Malaysia

Akhirnya Dianugerah Jua

Ahmad Iman Iskandar (Aii) kiri dan Sijil Kelahirannya kanan

Khamis 21 Januari 2010 M bersamaan 5 Safar 1431 H merupakan hari yang membahagiakan kami sekeluarga. Hasratku melihat seorang cucu berada di kalangan keluargaku akhirnya menjadi realiti. AHMAD IMAN ISKANDAR (Aii) didatangkan kepada kami pada jam 7.23 pagi.

Notis kutipan Mykad Aii

Aii dilahirkan di Pusat Perubatan Prince Court (PPPC), Jalan Kia Peng , Kuala Lumpur.
Berat badannya ketika lahir 3.14 kilogram. Type of Delivery : SVD.

Aku bersyukur kepada Allah swt kerana menciptakan seorang insan dan meminjamkannya kepada keluargaku melalui ibu dan bapa
Aii, Mazlyn Hanim bt Abdul Majid dan Mohd Rashidi bin Ali.

Aku dapat memerhatikan betapa riangnya kedua-dua ibu dan bapa Aii dengan kehadirannya di sisi mereka. Maklumlah cahaya mata yang pertama kata orang. Mazlyn Hanim dan Mohd Rashidi kini sudah berumah tangga selama satu tahun lapan bulan. Mereka diijab kabulkan pada 31 Mei 2008.

Aku dan Alimah isteriku juga sebenarnya amat senang dan gembira mendapat cucu yang pertama ini. Sah kami menjadi datuk dan opah sekarang. Ini bukan gelaran buatan insan. Ini anugerah terindah daripada Tuhan. Suatu keistimewaan yang tiada bandingan.

Tok Majid dan Opah Alimah mendoakan yang terbaik untuk Aii. Semoga hidupmu penuh selesa dan kesempurnaan. Semoga kau berbudi bahasa, berhemah tinggi dan berperikemanusiaan. Dan, paling utama Ahmad Iman Iskandar mudah-mudahan sentiasa bertakwa dan teguh beriman . . . sesuai dengan nama yang dengannya engkau dimasyhurkan.

Atuk ju
ga ingin berpesan sambil mengingatkan Aii tentang pengorbanan kedua-dua ibu bapamu sejak awal lagi. Ketika Aii mula berada dalam kandungan, ibumu Mazlyn Hanim terlantar sakit di PPPC selama kira-kira tiga bulan. Tak mahu minum tak larat makan. Doktor kata akibat 'dehydration'.

Bapamu Mohd Rashidi pula perlu menemankan ibumu sehari-harian. Kadangkala tak tentu minum tak tentu makan. Dia terpaksa bergegas ke pejabat dari pusat perubatan dan balik, untuk menunaikan tugas harian.

Bukan senang Ahmad Iman Iskandar. Bila dah besar nanti janganlah
mudah saja kau lupakan!

Berada di Aras 6 Bilik 6H, Aii dan ibunya mendapat khidmat terbaik daripada 'Paediatrician' Dr Anna Padma dan 'Obstetrician' Dr Seri Suniza. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada kedua-dua orang doktor tersebut. Ahmad Iman Iskandar sekeluarga aku kira cukup beruntung mendapat bantuan dan sokongan semua ahli keluarga terdekat. Ini termasuk sokongan krew keluarga "tulang empat kerat".

Pak Uda Royhai'zam bersama Aii
Merenung jauh ke hadapan nampak!

Ambil Giliran
Ha, ini pula Mak Uda Anum & Mak Lang
Shafini datang melawat
celebrity kecil!

Semua ahli keluarga terdekat telah datang meraikan hari istimewa ini. Mereka termasuklah yang berpangkat nenda, ayahanda, bonda dan kakanda kepadamu. Rakan, taulan serta sahabat handai yang akrab juga ada bersama.

Tok Ali Endut turut hadir menjenguk cucunya.

Pak Lang Halim tidak ada bersama kerana dia kini bertugas di Riyadh, Arab Saudi.

Nek Ani juga tiada bersama menyambut kelahiranmu. Dia perlu menjaga Rashidah (adik bapamu Mohd Rashidi yang sedang 'berpantang' setelah 'bersalin' di Kaherah, Mesir).

Moyang Maimunah belum berkesempatan menjenguk cicitnya ini. Apapun, semua meraikan kedatangan Aii dengan penuh kesyukuran baik dari jauh atau dekat.

Datang Jua
Besanku Tok Ali pun ada

Tok Ngah Roslan, Nena Foziah
& Mak Su Nadira melayan Aii

Dua Nenek Muda
CT Rohani & Mahanum
turut menjenguk Aii di PCMC

Tok Alang Aziz & Wan Hazlyn
Tak dapat tengok Aii in person,
tengok melalui laptop pun jadilah

Tok Long Basri & Emak Alyn Berbual
Apa yang diceritakan ?

Ramai ahli keluarga, sanak saudara, sahabat handai dan rakan taulan telah mengalu-alukan kedatangan AHMAD IMAN ISKANDAR. Mereka semua riang dengan kehadiranmu. Terima kasih jua diucapkan kepada mereka semua. Budi anda dikenang.

Akhir kata, Tok Majid dan Opah Alimah ingin mengucapkan untukmu cucu . . . DIRGAHAYU!

Selamat Datang


Rashidi said...

Ahmad Iman Iskandar ingin mengucapkan Terima Kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua family members yang mengambil berat dan prihatin selama AII berada dalam kandungan hinggalah ke hari ini...Thank you so much...Cayang Semuanya...I love you all so much.

Special Cayang untuk Tok Majid untuk sajak yang terindah:)

Now, it's time for susu....yummieee

Rashidi said...

Special Cayang untuk Atuk Majid & Opah Alimah dan semua ahli keluarga:) AII (now AII nak minum susu..heheh)

Rb@ssociat3S said...

Ahmad is now @ the scene....not to make a scene...But us as his pakcik & makcik for sure will create a scene to make him to make a scene.
Mesti nak kena "kitai" ni.

Bamuda d' SUARANG said...

Thanks for all the appreciation and encouragement ... dear family members. And now ... let us welcome AII into our 'fold' , to be strong and bold ... kitai mesti kena punya ... baru jadi baik punya member . . .

iLeEna KhaSim said...

Alhamdulillah on the birth of the new family member AHMAD IMAN ISKANDAR.
Firaz has got ANOTHER new cousin now! :) :)
May Allah bless Ahmad with good health,joy,patience,love and iman.
We'll be seeing you again real soon.
Congratulations to the new Atuk & Opah. :)

Bamuda d' SUARANG said...

Thank you Ilena . . . may Allah bless us all too. Sorry for not being at PCMC on the day you & your family came visiting. Appreciate your thoughts.

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